Friday, January 15, 2010

How To Tell If It’s Been Too Long Since You Were Last At The Gym

1.) All the weight machines in the “Express Fitness” area have been rearranged and you have no idea where anything is.

2.) The city has added a cement divider to the road in front of the driveway to your gym, and you almost run it over when you attempt to turn in to the parking lot.

3.) You have to look up the combination to your lock, so you can get into your locker.

4.) You have to stop for “breathers” during a power set that previously you were able to just blow right through.

5.) You are not able to move, or even breathe deeply the next morning because your muscles are so sore.

Yes, it has been way to long since I was last at the gym, but the best way to tell if you are a member of a great gym, they remember your name even though you haven’t been there since October. I love the counter girls at my gym. They are encouraging, and don’t lay a guilt trip on you for not coming in for two months.

Until next time…


  1. Getting back into the swing of things is defintiely the hardest. I didn't go hardly at all the month before our wedding (didn't want any weird shape changes with fitting wedding dress LOL, and when October hit and I started to get back into it, it was HARD. I get easily frustrated with myself when it comes to working out. Like, "Damn it, I could do this two months ago. Why can't I do it now?!?!" But, this time, instead of quitting, I forced myself to keep at it. You'll get back into your swing, especially with having such a supportive gym! That's awesome! :D

  2. Holy Crap Sydney, I'm so bad at checking my blog that I just now saw this comment!
    Sorry. Thanks for the encouraging comment! =)
